That’s a complicated question, but the short answer is a qualified ‘No’. Google and other search engines invest a lot of time and effort trying to ensure one thing and one thing only — that a site’s rank for a given search phrase accurately reflects how much the human-readable content of that site relates to that search phrase.
The key idea here is that human-readable content part. WordPress already takes care of all the under-the-hood elements of site optimization for search — your site’s code is well-formed, fast loading, and clearly laid out for Google’s search-bots. The part YOU control, and that Google cares most about, is what you have to say about yourself and your venture.
The more you focus on writing engaging, useful, original content, and the more you focus on delving deeply into a few topics you know your readers/customers will be interested in, the better you’ll rank for phrases relating to those topics in the search results.
All that said:
There are built-in Yoast tools in your admin area for helping improve your SEO. Further, if your business success is predicated on reaching a lot of people on the internet, whether just in your local area or the world over, a solid SEO strategy is a wise move. We would be happy to connect you with a trusted SEO partner to get you headed in the right direction.